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This project is based on the immersion of students in scientific competence progressively from 1st of ESO to 2nd of Baccalaureate. The innovation lies in using science as the backbone, proposing activities from an interdisciplinary approach and applying the STEAM methodology.  

What do we want?

Our objectives are:

  • Create a space in which students learn about science.

  • Facilitate horizontal collaboration between the different areas of knowledge.

  • Improve all the key competences in our students.

  • Incorporate R + D + i in secondary and high school. 

  • Use the scientific method and apply it in research projects.

  • Apply the STEAM methodology.

Participation authorization model / student photos 

What are we going to do?

We will use scientific, linguistic and creative tools. In addition, we will apply the scientific method and carry out authentic investigations, both in the center itself and in collaboration with the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Córdoba (UCO). For this reason, we have prepared various activities adapted to all levels of teaching at IES Fidiana.


  • From science to art

  • Laboratory in class

  • We sing to health

  • Sustainable science

  • Tell me the science

  • Science in my kitchen

  • Healthy nutrition

  • Stop-motion

  • Science walk

  • Passport to nature

  • Robotics Workshop

  • Scientist Workshop

  • Visual Thinking in Science

  • Research projects

  • Advanced research

  • Scientific Congress

  • Exhibition of anatomical models

  • Day of women and girls in science

  • I Scientific Conference

The activities and investigations  They will be based on three lines of action .

  • In 1º-2º of ESO use of basic scientific, linguistic or creative tools to contribute to the promotion of observation and curiosity.

  • In 3rd-4th year of ESO, fostering experimentation, oral development and communication of data.

  • In high school, design and execution of research, preparation of scientific reports and communication of results.

Our participants

Biology and geology
  • Elena León Rodríguez (Trust Coordinator)

  • Auxiliadora Díaz Castro

  • Mar Moreda Moreno

  • Antonio Soriano Fernandez

  • Ana Maria Velez Felipe

  • Mª Angeles Domínguez González

Physical education
  • Angela Raigón Mérida

  • Pablo Cañas  Moya  

  • Jesus Ballesta Garcia

Plastic and visual education
  • Francisco Javier  Muñoz Carmona

  • Mª Carmen Ruiz Fernández

  • Maria Angeles Mendez Suarez

  • Mª Paz Ayúcar Rubio

  • Francisca Alcantara

  • Sandra Laurence Costoyas Bertin

Physics and chemistry
  • David Martin Cisneros

  • Esther  Cristina Ruiz-Canela Zurita

Geography and History
  • Isabel Cardenas Talaverón

  • Alberto Galán Copete

  • Francisco Aguilera Gonzalez

  •   Angeles Gutierrez Galván  

  • Yolanda Otano Rodríguez

  • Alberto Segovia Alonso

Language and literature
  • Ana Maria Canton Garcia

  • Manuela Arroyo Ruiz

  • Luis Ernesto Gómez Arevalo

  • Angeles Escobar Guzman

  • Raúl Ávila Gómez

  • Jose Carlos Arjona Perez

  • Maria Oliva Duran Tejero

  • Alberto Martinez  lvez

  • Jose Luis Pabón Poza

  • Emilia Pérez Jurado

  • Gema Gil Gomez

  • Rocío Martínez Ruiz

  • Ana Maria Cabello Marquez

  • Mª Dolores López Conde

  • Angela Maria Pulido Montero

  • Mª Dolores Ocaña Ortíz

  • Manuel Pegalajar Navarro

  • Jesus Castellano Gomez

  • Rosario López Mirror

  • Beatriz Muñoz Maya

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Contact us


Tel: 957 73 49 90


c / Saturno s / n

14014, Cordoba



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